Madonna is one of 30 Million americans that ride horses each year. And now she is one of over 200,000 who suffer each year from horse-riding injury. And it happened on her 47 th birthday.
Madonna was thrown while riding a new horse and sustained three broken ribs, a broken collarbon, and a broken hand. Shows us things can go wrong even for those with experience. Some things cannot be prevented.
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons has some great tips specific to horseback riding and injury prevention.
Saturday, August 20
French Fries cause Breast Cancer?
"Children who eat fries raise Breast Cancer Risk"
Thats the headline and I find it hard to believe. Researchers can survey the childhood eating habits of breast cancer women and determine those who ate Fries had cancer and those that didn't eat Fries did not have breast cancer..?? Heck, they even narrowed it down to one extra serving per week, per child, increases breast cancer risk 27%.
No wonder the researcher, Dr Michels, added this: "These data have to be interpreted cautiously since the observed association between consumption of French fries and breast cancer is dependent on the validity of the maternal recall of the diet," said Michels.
I'm sure being cautious about this would be well advised. I know Fries are not healthy but this seems to be a stretch. They also added that ice cream and hot dogs were healthier.
Click French Fries cause Breast Cancer and see what you think.
Thats the headline and I find it hard to believe. Researchers can survey the childhood eating habits of breast cancer women and determine those who ate Fries had cancer and those that didn't eat Fries did not have breast cancer..?? Heck, they even narrowed it down to one extra serving per week, per child, increases breast cancer risk 27%.
No wonder the researcher, Dr Michels, added this: "These data have to be interpreted cautiously since the observed association between consumption of French fries and breast cancer is dependent on the validity of the maternal recall of the diet," said Michels.
I'm sure being cautious about this would be well advised. I know Fries are not healthy but this seems to be a stretch. They also added that ice cream and hot dogs were healthier.
Click French Fries cause Breast Cancer and see what you think.
Friday, August 19
Tylenol raises Women's Blood Pressure
You ladies should know about the recent Harvard study of over 5,000 nurses and how these researchers discovered that OTC painkillers can seriously raise a women's blood pressure. I was surprised to see Tylenol on the list. We've always assumed its safer than any other OTC painkiller. Not true.
Women in the same age group (51 - 77) who took an average daily dose of more than 500 milligrams of acetaminophen (one extra-strength Tylenol) almost doubled their risk of developing high blood pressure within about three years.
Younger women (aged 34 to 53) who took those daily doses of 400 milligrams of ibuprofen or NSAIDs were 60% more likely to develop high blood pressure and those who took an average of more than 500 milligrams acetaminophen a day had a two-fold higher risk of developing high blood pressure.
Advil, Motrin, Aleve, etc are also implicated in causing high blood pressure in women. Especially if used daily for three years. Click here for more information
Women in the same age group (51 - 77) who took an average daily dose of more than 500 milligrams of acetaminophen (one extra-strength Tylenol) almost doubled their risk of developing high blood pressure within about three years.
Younger women (aged 34 to 53) who took those daily doses of 400 milligrams of ibuprofen or NSAIDs were 60% more likely to develop high blood pressure and those who took an average of more than 500 milligrams acetaminophen a day had a two-fold higher risk of developing high blood pressure.
Advil, Motrin, Aleve, etc are also implicated in causing high blood pressure in women. Especially if used daily for three years. Click here for more information
Chocolate is Healthy. Myth?
Have you been hearing of the health benefits from eating chocolate? Are you eating more chocolate now because of the reports?
Well, I am too. But only the dark chocolate. Less fat and calories. Right?
What bothers me is the lack of proof. I know the cocoa bean is wonderfully rich in antioxidant Flavanols. But I also know this substance is bitter. So how do we determine the good stuff is actually in these good tasting candy bars? Where does it say so on the label? And how much? I have my doubts. So I eat a little in moderation.
How about the lady who is now eating chocolate without guilt because its now ' healthy' ?? She gained four pounds the first month..!! One pound per week. And she can't even be sure of the health benefit because who knows how much Flavanol, if any, is in that particular candy bar? We know the cocoa bean is full of antioxidants but how do we know how much of the good stuff ends up in our candy bar?
Besides, gaining a pound per week is not healthy. So how do we know if we actually come out ahead? Do the flavanols, if any, offset the fat and calories of all these processed chocolate candy bars?
Flavanols are important to me but I really don't have to eat chocolate to get them. Take green tea, for example. It too has them and some of us drink a lot of tea. There are many ways of getting antioxidants without also getting a lot of fat. I also drink a lot of grape juice. And know also that even the humble apple has a supply of Flavanols.
Well, I am too. But only the dark chocolate. Less fat and calories. Right?
What bothers me is the lack of proof. I know the cocoa bean is wonderfully rich in antioxidant Flavanols. But I also know this substance is bitter. So how do we determine the good stuff is actually in these good tasting candy bars? Where does it say so on the label? And how much? I have my doubts. So I eat a little in moderation.
How about the lady who is now eating chocolate without guilt because its now ' healthy' ?? She gained four pounds the first month..!! One pound per week. And she can't even be sure of the health benefit because who knows how much Flavanol, if any, is in that particular candy bar? We know the cocoa bean is full of antioxidants but how do we know how much of the good stuff ends up in our candy bar?
Besides, gaining a pound per week is not healthy. So how do we know if we actually come out ahead? Do the flavanols, if any, offset the fat and calories of all these processed chocolate candy bars?
Flavanols are important to me but I really don't have to eat chocolate to get them. Take green tea, for example. It too has them and some of us drink a lot of tea. There are many ways of getting antioxidants without also getting a lot of fat. I also drink a lot of grape juice. And know also that even the humble apple has a supply of Flavanols.
Merck loses Vioxx case
Merck lost their court battle today. Plaintiff Carol Ernst was awarded $253.4 million after jury found Merck's Vioxx was cause of her husbands death from heart attack. The company stock plunged about 8%. There are more than 4,000 other cases to follow. The number will probably double after today. Losses would be in the billions. Some estimate over 18 Billion.
A hard hit for this giant drug company with its block-buster Vioxx product. They remain convinced Vioxx did not cause this death and vow to appeal. They still contend the patient died of heart arrhythmia, a problem Vioxx has never been connected with. But the lawyer for plaintiff was more convincing and the jury agreed patient died from heart attack. Something Vioxx has been connected with in the past. In fact, that is one big reason Merck had it withdrawn from the market.
Texas has a little reputation for being plaintiff-friendly in court. So maybe Merck will fare better in the thousands of cases that involve other states.
A hard hit for this giant drug company with its block-buster Vioxx product. They remain convinced Vioxx did not cause this death and vow to appeal. They still contend the patient died of heart arrhythmia, a problem Vioxx has never been connected with. But the lawyer for plaintiff was more convincing and the jury agreed patient died from heart attack. Something Vioxx has been connected with in the past. In fact, that is one big reason Merck had it withdrawn from the market.
Texas has a little reputation for being plaintiff-friendly in court. So maybe Merck will fare better in the thousands of cases that involve other states.
Thursday, August 18
Children Back Seat Safety
Good news about child car safety today in Wall Street Journal. An AP report mentioned how many childrens lives have been saved since parents have become more aware of the front seat danger and are diligent in seeing they are properly restrained in back seat.
Fatalities involving children (under 12) in the front seat have dropped 46% from 1996 to 2003. Remember years ago hearing of several children being killed from air bags while riding in the front seat. Solid progress is being made but most believe there is still a great need to teach new mothers how important it is the child is properly restrained in the back seat.
The improved children safety statistics prove public and private campaigns to make parents more aware are paying off.
Fatalities involving children (under 12) in the front seat have dropped 46% from 1996 to 2003. Remember years ago hearing of several children being killed from air bags while riding in the front seat. Solid progress is being made but most believe there is still a great need to teach new mothers how important it is the child is properly restrained in the back seat.
The improved children safety statistics prove public and private campaigns to make parents more aware are paying off.
Wednesday, August 17
Blueberries: #1 Anti-Oxidant

Was I surprised to read several reports lately putting blueberries on top of list for Anti-Oxidant power? Yes, for sure. Look below for several links to get you started on the many health benefits from this blue berry.
Read about one ingredient that helps lower cholesterol in lab studies. Now, if that does the same for people!
Another ingredient just like Cranberry.......helps Urinary Tract problems. And many other things are coming to light now that researchers are sincerely interested.
One blueberry farmer in Michigan has noticed people with cancer coming to buy all they can. Seems they believe the proven Anti-Oxidant power found in this fruit will help them as they endure Chemo treatments. Many doctors have reported on anti-oxidant power defeating free radicals. Wouldn't that be great if something as simple as this could help build up our immunity system.
Laboratory studies suggest that increased blueberry consumption may reverse age-related short-term memory loss and help people to regain some balance and coordination. Scientific reports published over the last five years, stemming from studies at Tufts University, Rutgers University, and the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, all have hailed the blueberry’s nutritional assets.
There were 166 million pounds of blueberries produced for retail sale in North America last year, up about 84 percent since 1995, according to the Michigan Blueberry Growers Association.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture says blueberries rank No. 1 in antioxidant activity compared to 40 other fruits and vegetables. They have no cholesterol and low calorie. Many researchers advise 1/2 cup daily. (42 calories) I'll take a cup. :>)
PS: Since posting this a few days ago I just noticed another company that offers wild blueberry juice concentrate. 100% natural, 100% juice. I'm not selling this but it does appeal to me. It takes about 24 pounds of fresh blueberries to make one quart. One tablespoon equals juice from one cup of berries. A quart will last two months if you take one tablespoon daily. Click here.
Check out these blueberry resources.
Texas Blueberry Growers
Michigan Blueberry Growers
BBC News Blueberry Report
Prize Winning Grower tells secrets
New research shows blueberries lower LDL cholesterol better than statin drugs
Tuesday, August 16
Peter Jennings loses lung cancer battle
The sad news of Peters death from lung cancer is another reminder how cruel and deadly this type of cancer really is. He and his doctors and family did all they could to defeat this disease but it was a losing battle. This cancer is so sneaky as it quietly works in the background to eventually strike us down. Doctors tell us only 15% survive. Its usually too late when finally discovered. Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer amongst men and women in USA.
That is why so many medical professionals urge early detection. It is preventable if caught in time. I noticed today some facts concerning the funding of lung cancer. It receives less than many cancers that kill a lot less people. Why is that? Because so many of them were smokers?
There is one thing we can all do. Either don't start or else quit the toxic habit. Those of us that quit have never regretted it..! Peter smoked for many years and then quit. But started up again during the stress of 9/11. He even mentioned this as a ' weakness.' We understand.
Peters death from this may be very helpful to people struggling with this problem. ABC news says many people have mentioned they will now quit, in memory of a man they respected and valued. His death may save many lives if it does afford the inspiration so many people need to break this habit. And there may be many who will not even start. It is good this problem is front and center now.
There are so many statistics about smoking causing lung cancer, heart problems, etc. However, we also know that numbers may not suffice to give us the boost we need. But a highly esteemed man like Peter Jennings early death could make quite a difference with many who struggle with this sickly addiction.
Just think what a man of this stature could have done in the nationwide effort to defeat smoking. What a good influence he would have been in educating others to either quit, or not even start. We may not have the influence Peter would have but all of us working together to get the word out could make a difference. We might even ask our Senators why the CDC funding so low for lung cancer? Why is there so much more funding available for some cancers that don't kill like lung cancer does?
That is why so many medical professionals urge early detection. It is preventable if caught in time. I noticed today some facts concerning the funding of lung cancer. It receives less than many cancers that kill a lot less people. Why is that? Because so many of them were smokers?
There is one thing we can all do. Either don't start or else quit the toxic habit. Those of us that quit have never regretted it..! Peter smoked for many years and then quit. But started up again during the stress of 9/11. He even mentioned this as a ' weakness.' We understand.
Peters death from this may be very helpful to people struggling with this problem. ABC news says many people have mentioned they will now quit, in memory of a man they respected and valued. His death may save many lives if it does afford the inspiration so many people need to break this habit. And there may be many who will not even start. It is good this problem is front and center now.
There are so many statistics about smoking causing lung cancer, heart problems, etc. However, we also know that numbers may not suffice to give us the boost we need. But a highly esteemed man like Peter Jennings early death could make quite a difference with many who struggle with this sickly addiction.
Just think what a man of this stature could have done in the nationwide effort to defeat smoking. What a good influence he would have been in educating others to either quit, or not even start. We may not have the influence Peter would have but all of us working together to get the word out could make a difference. We might even ask our Senators why the CDC funding so low for lung cancer? Why is there so much more funding available for some cancers that don't kill like lung cancer does?
(PS: Since posting the above many reports cross my desk of the " Jennings Effect." Seems there are many smokers who NOW want to quit. And many that were going to start are backing off. In memory of Peter and his sad ending. Certain programs are receiving many calls from smokers asking for help to give it up. They don't want lung cancer. And, they don't want to die young like Peter did. Its kind of interesting to me hearing age 67 called young..!! That isn't the way most people used to think. :>)
People often ask why some who never smoked got lung cancer. I wondered this too after losing a friend that never smoked in her life. There is more and more research showing that second-hand smoke is almost as dangerous as actual smoking. Many non-smokers have had to endure the smoke of others. And what about children? I saw three adults smoking in a car with children as I walked past their parked van. Recent research confirms this is negligence on their part. Read my second-hand smoke post on this page. Also my 70 Quit Smoking Tips link.
There is also the problem of Radon. This is the second leading cause of lung cancer and has nothing to do with smoking. Its probably in your basement, if you have it. And how do you know you have it? Buy a Radon tester for $25 . You can't smell it. Can't see it. Can't taste it. Read about it in my Radon post on this page.
Check out these helpful lung cancer links:
(" Wouldn't it be great if someone told you HOW to stop smoking instead of just WHY? )
People often ask why some who never smoked got lung cancer. I wondered this too after losing a friend that never smoked in her life. There is more and more research showing that second-hand smoke is almost as dangerous as actual smoking. Many non-smokers have had to endure the smoke of others. And what about children? I saw three adults smoking in a car with children as I walked past their parked van. Recent research confirms this is negligence on their part. Read my second-hand smoke post on this page. Also my 70 Quit Smoking Tips link.
There is also the problem of Radon. This is the second leading cause of lung cancer and has nothing to do with smoking. Its probably in your basement, if you have it. And how do you know you have it? Buy a Radon tester for $25 . You can't smell it. Can't see it. Can't taste it. Read about it in my Radon post on this page.
Check out these helpful lung cancer links:
(" Wouldn't it be great if someone told you HOW to stop smoking instead of just WHY? )
Monday, August 15
W Nile Virus Alert
This is a PS to my former W Nile Virus warning.
News today of a 22 year old young mother paralyzed from what the doctors believe to be the W Nile Virus.
She had previously gone to hospital after a week and half not feeling well but doctors could find nothing wrong. She later lost use of her legs and and returned to the hospital, this time in Intensive care unit.
She and others near her area had complained about all the mosquitoes flying around this year. But no one ever dreamed one mosquitoe bite could do all this. Its a scary thing and has people wondering how do you protect yourself against such a small enemy. One way is to remove all standing water on your property. Read my former post for additional info and links. Click here for my other posts and click here for the above News Item about this young mother of two.
W Nile Fact Page here
News today of a 22 year old young mother paralyzed from what the doctors believe to be the W Nile Virus.
She had previously gone to hospital after a week and half not feeling well but doctors could find nothing wrong. She later lost use of her legs and and returned to the hospital, this time in Intensive care unit.
She and others near her area had complained about all the mosquitoes flying around this year. But no one ever dreamed one mosquitoe bite could do all this. Its a scary thing and has people wondering how do you protect yourself against such a small enemy. One way is to remove all standing water on your property. Read my former post for additional info and links. Click here for my other posts and click here for the above News Item about this young mother of two.
W Nile Fact Page here
Night Leg Cramps
Ever get a night leg cramp? Me too. Forcing some of us to jump out of bed for relief. Sometimes we question what causes them and what can we do about it. Its just one of many things you'll find asked and anwered at the online Mayo Clinic.
As to the cause....they don't exactly know. But they do list 9 possible causes. And 5 ways to find relief. And 2 ways to prevent them. If nothing works you should talk with a doctor personally.
Currently, there are three treatments recognized as helpful. B-12 is one of them.
Night leg cramps should be distinguished from another common cause of night leg discomfort called restless legs syndrome, a condition in which your legs have a creepy, crawly or fidgety sensation unless you move them. This sensation often gets worse as night approaches. Restless legs syndrome is a neurologic condition that requires different treatment from that of night leg cramps. Restless legs syndrome may affect as many as 12 million Americans.
Night Leg Cramps
Restless Leg Syndrome
As to the cause....they don't exactly know. But they do list 9 possible causes. And 5 ways to find relief. And 2 ways to prevent them. If nothing works you should talk with a doctor personally.
Currently, there are three treatments recognized as helpful. B-12 is one of them.
Night leg cramps should be distinguished from another common cause of night leg discomfort called restless legs syndrome, a condition in which your legs have a creepy, crawly or fidgety sensation unless you move them. This sensation often gets worse as night approaches. Restless legs syndrome is a neurologic condition that requires different treatment from that of night leg cramps. Restless legs syndrome may affect as many as 12 million Americans.
Night Leg Cramps
Restless Leg Syndrome
Sunday, August 14
Computer Keyboard Germs
Todays newspaper included " Wipe Out Germs " ad insert from Lysol. This part caught my attention:
FACT: The average computer keyboard contains more than 3,000 germs per square inch.
FACT: LYSOL Sanitizing Wipes Kill 99.9% Of Germs In 30 Seconds. etc.
I guess we all know how our keyboards get dirty. But 3,000 germs per square inch..? As usual, I checked my sources to verify this so called FACT. And found out its true. Fact is researchers have found over 3,000 per square inch. And its also a fact researchers found more germs on keyboards than on toilet seats. Toilet seats get cleaned more often. So the least we should do is always wash our hands after using our computers.
But what about cleaning them? Thats been almost impossible in some testing. I read of a hospital fighting out of control germs and finally had to toss out all their keyboards..!! One of the problem bugs they were contending with was VRE which can survive 24 hrs. At least we don't have to worry about that one. Its mostly a hospital problem. And soap and water would not do the job. And pouring chemicals on keyboards is probably not a viable choice..!! Maybe I'll be using these Lysol wipes.
Computer Keyboard Germ Resource
FACT: The average computer keyboard contains more than 3,000 germs per square inch.
FACT: LYSOL Sanitizing Wipes Kill 99.9% Of Germs In 30 Seconds. etc.
I guess we all know how our keyboards get dirty. But 3,000 germs per square inch..? As usual, I checked my sources to verify this so called FACT. And found out its true. Fact is researchers have found over 3,000 per square inch. And its also a fact researchers found more germs on keyboards than on toilet seats. Toilet seats get cleaned more often. So the least we should do is always wash our hands after using our computers.
But what about cleaning them? Thats been almost impossible in some testing. I read of a hospital fighting out of control germs and finally had to toss out all their keyboards..!! One of the problem bugs they were contending with was VRE which can survive 24 hrs. At least we don't have to worry about that one. Its mostly a hospital problem. And soap and water would not do the job. And pouring chemicals on keyboards is probably not a viable choice..!! Maybe I'll be using these Lysol wipes.
Computer Keyboard Germ Resource
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