Wednesday, July 27

West Nile Virus update

News reports confirm this West Nile Virus is active in USA and we would be wise to take precautions. Many states have tested and found this problem in local mosquitoes. Inspectors in East Baton Rouge Parish , Louisiana found this virus in 41% of the mosquitoes tested.

They also found this Virus in dead birds. And that seems to be the way mosquitoes become infected. They bite the birds. Our concern is being bitten by one of those same mosquitoes. Some never even notice but others get sick. And some have died from it. Especially amongst the elderly and young.

It helps to drain any standing water. And use repellent with DEET, especially around dusk or dawn. Long sleeves, etc, also protects. Check screens for holes. Report dead birds. The virus was found in Bluejays and Crows in our area.

Read older post here.

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