Saturday, August 27

Peter Jennings cancer warning others

We continue hearing of the " Jennings Effect." That is, the effect Peters life, illness, and death is having on others to either quit smoking; not start smoking; or go to doctor for lung cancer checkup.

Latest example I know of is right here.

Retired deputy sheriff Thomas Timmons had already quit for a year when his wife heard Peter Jennings speak on TV for the last time. She recognized her husbands raspy voice when she listened to Peter. That motivated them both to have doctor check Thomas' lungs for cancer. Leading to discovery of third stage cancer. And treatments.

Thomas is now recovering from lung cancer (one of the few) and they give all the credit to Peter Jennings and how open he was about everything the last time he spoke on ABC.

Read my previous Peter Jennings post here.

Friday, August 26

Homeopathy a Dummy Drug..?

I reviewed about 15 links today concerning what medical journal Lancet says about Homeopathy. Some new research seems to indicate people who believe in it are just being fooled. One critic called it a ' Dummy Drug.' Most called it what the authors did, a Placebo or sugar pill.

We know there are thousands world-wide who believe doctors of homeopathy have helped them. And they have all been fooled..? Someone should ask the Royal Family and Prince Charles what he thinks of all this. They have often spoken in favor of it.

The medical doctor critics of homeopathy did acknowledge the patient-doctor relationship could explain why some benefit. The medical doctor doesn't have time to talk much with patients anymore but the homeopathic doctor does. And some critics think thats why some people actually get help from what they are calling a ' placebo effect.' Kind of like saying its all in their head.

I've never received (or sought) homeopathic treatments. It didn't make much sense to me but that didn't mean there was nothing to it. But some of us do remember how a famous illusionist once challenged believers in homeopathy to prove they could cure anything. He, James Randi, even promised a Million Dollar reward for actual proof. As far as I know no one stepped forward with proof to become a Millionaire.

There are many who feel the medical profession is biased and these tests are carried out in a manner to discredit them because they are part of ' alternative medicine.' I do know some doctors have been very harsh in their appraisal of this healing branch.

Some doctors have called them quacks and called those believing in them as fools. Strong talk and I personally think it goes too far. I would tend towards the viewpoint of another doctor I read about. He feels there is a place for homeopathy as complimentary to medical practice.

Homeopathy News links:,curpg-3.cms (Gov. Question & Answer page)

Wednesday, August 24

Heart Disease Deaths drop 54%

Another interesting health report via Reuters.

Overall, the researchers found, heart disease deaths fell by 54 percent between 1981 and 2000. The single largest factor, they say, was the concurrent 35 percent decline in smoking prevalence. They estimate that this trend prevented nearly 30,000 deaths from heart disease -- mostly among people who had no known heart problems at the time they quit.

Read more here.

Doctors Obesity Lecture Offends Patient

Sometimes we hear of doctors in trouble over medical errors or something not ethical but this post points to a doctor in trouble for telling his patient the truth about Obesity. What he said about being fat offended her. Then she filed a complaint and now this New Hampshire family practitioner is in hot water.

The medical board actually turned this over to the Attorney Generals office for further investigation. Shame on this doctor for telling the truth..???? Didn't he realize that is not what most people want to hear..???? Why should he be so caring about the health of a fat patient..?. ?She took offense and the medical board seems to agree with her.

This doctor admits he has made some mistakes over the years (me too..) but telling the truth is not one of them. Has the day arrived that a doctor gets in trouble every time some patients feelings are hurt when he tells the truth .. ? And the medical board sides with the patient..?

Many of us understand what hurt feeling feel like and it can be depressing. And we understand how someone calling fat unhealthy could be discouraging. However, other patients of this same doctor mentioned they too were sometimes angry with him for being so truthful about Obesity and all the health problems it can cause. One obese patient left in anger and furiously drove off. But she calmed down and realized the doctor told her the truth; the same truth she already knew. She is doing something about it now. And does not blame the doctor. She blames her eating and lifestyle for leading her into obesity. And thanks the doctor for stirring her up enough to get a grip on her health problem.

Click here for more info.

Tuesday, August 23

Aspirin Lowers Cancer Risk?

Click here for Newsweek's report on Dr. Andrew Chan's researching 20 years of health data on more than 80,000 women to learn if aspirin, advil, etc, would lower the risk of colon cancer. This would be the first report to determine if long-term use of aspirin, etc, reduces the overall risk of colon cancer.

Obesity in America

" How Healthy is your State?" Use this site to learn more about Obesity and how your State compares to others. Right now it seems the southeast is the most obese part of the USA. And Colorado seems to be the ' lightest ' with the least obesity in US. Miss. is the ' heaviest ' state (most obese) nationwide. Type your State into search box and take a look.

They also have a 4 page PDF report you can read, called America's Report Card. And a box to sign up for updates.

Monday, August 22

Cancer from Artificial Sweeteners..?

A small test in Italy on rats indicates Aspartame may cause cancer. Most other countries are not about to change or do anything differently because there are several unanswered questions concerning this research. But they are investigating and no doubt we will be hearing more.

I use Aspartame in moderation. Like everything else. What is a little shocking about this new research is how small the dose used that caused cancer in rats. If other countries verify this it would be pulled off the market. Because even moderate use could be toxic.

I looked at many reports today from the medical and food industry and most have no doubt Aspartame is safe. I found hundreds of reports relative to hundreds of tests to prove if any cancer connection with use of this product. And they are overwhelmingly in favor of Not Guilty verdict. This latest info is one small report. And no peer review as yet. We'll see.

So, who do we believe?

Listen to the American Cancer Society: The American Cancer Society, in addressing previous allegations of a possible link between aspartame and cancer has stated, "Current evidence does not demonstrate any link between aspartame ingestion and increased cancer risk."

What does the Calorie Control Council say: "The Calorie Control Council today stated that reports of a preliminary unpublished rat study alleging that aspartame may be related to an increased risk of leukemia and lymphoma in rats are unsupported and totally contradictory to the extensive scientific research and regulatory reviews conducted on aspartame. Acceptance and reporting of such preliminary findings should be withheld until the research is completed.

With billions of man-years of safe use, consumers and health professionals can be assured that aspartame is safe for humans. And the rigorous scrutiny and battery of studies to which aspartame has been subjected should provide people with additional confidence in its safety," stated Lyn Nabors, executive vice president of the Calorie Control Council."

Listen to the European Food Safety Authority: "EFSA does not consider it appropriate to suggest any change in consumers' diets relative to aspartame ...."

Health Canada has also stated that based on the limited new information available, it is not recommending any dietary changes relating to the use of aspartame.

When FDA approved aspartame, the FDA Commissioner noted: "Few compounds have withstood such detailed testing and repeated, close scrutiny, and the process through which aspartame has gone should provide the public with additional confidence of its safety."

Could go on but will just leave a few links for you to read for yourself.

Compare Drug Prices

Check out this site if you want to buy Prescription Drugs legally and at the most reasonable price. Several news reports encourage people to use the ' Search ' box on this site and learn where best drug prices are. They will compare many sources and show you the pricing.

This site has been called The Most Advanced Prescription Shopping Guide on the internet. Click here and judge for yourself. PS: I have no business connection with this site.

Alternative Health News

Alternative Health News Online

My weekly review of health sites brought me to this one today. And it is worth a post on this site. They update daily and also offer free newsletter plus access to a ton of medical articles and other highly respected sources. PS: I have no business connection with Alternative Health News Online.

Sunday, August 21

Heart Disease #1 Womens Health Issue

Breast cancer seems to be the #1 health concern of women. Thats seems to be what we read in the news and also what we usually hear from other women. But its not true. Heart Disease should come first.

More women will die the first year after heart attack than men. And over 200,000 will have heart attacks this year. This is a ' womens issue ' that needs more exposure. If you were to ask 100 women what brought them to hospital.......chances are good that over 40% would speak of heart problems. And many learn they had symptoms months ahead of time and did not recognize them until something happened. Same goes for some doctors. We are so apt to believe heart disease is a ' mans disease ' that women are overlooked.

Heart disease kills double the number of women each year than all forms of cancer. Yet, women are more concerned about breast cancer than heart problems.

The Dr Koop site is one of many good ones. They also have many free newsletters you can sign up for.

Check Hospitals Report Card

Check your area Hospitals Report Card

This tool provides you with information on how well the hospitals in your area care for all their adult patients with certain medical conditions. This information will help you compare the quality of care hospitals provide. Hospital Compare was created through the efforts of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and organizations that represent hospitals, doctors, employers, accrediting organizations, other Federal agencies and the public.

Talk to your doctor about this information to help you, your family and your friends make your best hospital care decisions.

Quality control is a big thing. Especially in hospitals. This new tool can help you evaluate your local hospitals and choose the one with the highest ratings. In some can make a big difference in your health. Sometimes even life or death issue.

Some big differences show up State by State. And hospital by hospital. We should know this before making a decision requiring hosptialization. Some in Massachusetts rank highest in nation for compliance with proven medical procedures. Arkansas hospitals rank the lowest in nation. But we have read where those that didn't do so well are now rolling up their sleeves to do better. Thats what public exposure can do.

Take aspirin therapy, for example. Some simple and proven methods to help those with emergency heart problems and yet, many hospitals were not in compliance. Surprising. But will probably be corrected now. One doctor administrator said he wasen't sure why they weren't more in compliance but this public reporting has motivated them to do better. Good.