Monday, August 15

W Nile Virus Alert

This is a PS to my former W Nile Virus warning.

News today of a 22 year old young mother paralyzed from what the doctors believe to be the W Nile Virus.

She had previously gone to hospital after a week and half not feeling well but doctors could find nothing wrong. She later lost use of her legs and and returned to the hospital, this time in Intensive care unit.

She and others near her area had complained about all the mosquitoes flying around this year. But no one ever dreamed one mosquitoe bite could do all this. Its a scary thing and has people wondering how do you protect yourself against such a small enemy. One way is to remove all standing water on your property. Read my former post for additional info and links. Click here for my other posts and click here for the above News Item about this young mother of two.

W Nile Fact Page here

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