Monday, August 15

Night Leg Cramps

Ever get a night leg cramp? Me too. Forcing some of us to jump out of bed for relief. Sometimes we question what causes them and what can we do about it. Its just one of many things you'll find asked and anwered at the online Mayo Clinic.

As to the cause....they don't exactly know. But they do list 9 possible causes. And 5 ways to find relief. And 2 ways to prevent them. If nothing works you should talk with a doctor personally.
Currently, there are three treatments recognized as helpful. B-12 is one of them.

Night leg cramps should be distinguished from another common cause of night leg discomfort called restless legs syndrome, a condition in which your legs have a creepy, crawly or fidgety sensation unless you move them. This sensation often gets worse as night approaches. Restless legs syndrome is a neurologic condition that requires different treatment from that of night leg cramps. Restless legs syndrome may affect as many as 12 million Americans.

Night Leg Cramps
Restless Leg Syndrome

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