Saturday, October 15

Diabetic Diet Tips

Karen Newton, RN, offers a free Diabetic Diet Tips course. Some doctors believe there is a diabetes Epidemic in this country. We need all the help we can get.

Its a good thing to control diabetes before it controls us. This free email course will help you with some very useful tips. The effects of diabetes can be reversed. Many have done that. One way is with a simple Meal Plan. You'll find more in Karen's free Diabetes Diet Tips course.

Click here.
If you want to read a very sobering report from Georgia concerning the Diabetes Epidemic and how it has escalated as people have gotten fatter..........Click Here.

Friday, October 14

Home Testing for Aids Virus

Doctors say about one million in USA have the Aids HIV virus and 25% of them don't even know it. In many cases it is being spread by people who do not know they have it. This is one reason for the new tilt toward Home Testing Kits.

After 18 years of controversy.

Making HIV testing easier should help prevent the spread of this virus infecting 40,000 more people each year. What could be simpler than purchasing this over the counter kit and testing at home. The sooner those infected know it and make changes the better.

New York Times HIV aids report here

Thursday, October 13

Health - Medical Resource Links

Looking online for medical and/or health information? Where do you start? There are so many places you could suffer " info overload." One page you may find interesting and comprehensive is over at

Have you wondered about the different medical or health trials going on? And if they might accept you? These trials have helped many and you might want to know more about what trials are currently available and nearby to you.

Go to centerwatch Patient Trials page

Wednesday, October 12

Bottled Water Myth

Thanks to millions of dollars of corporate advertising...there is a bottled water myth. I agree with this report and the area I live in confirms it also.

Take a look.

Bottled Water Myth news

Monday, October 10

Halloween Safety Tips

I had compiled a list of my own Halloween Safety Tips for parents and children when I discovered this more complete list from the

Los Angelos Fire Department

Childrens safety is a concern this time of year. Click here for Tip sheet