The American Stroke Association is one of the best places online for Stroke information. We should all be concerned about this possibility. And not just for men either. Fact is 3 out of every 5 Stroke deaths are women. This site will help anyone in stroke prevention or, if you've had a stroke, how to better live with it.
You should also sign up for a free one year subscription to their Stroke Connection Magazine.
They also offer a form to help you measure your own personal risk of having a stroke. And you might also check out their Patient Information sheets that cover most things you would be interested in. They are downloadable so you can save them and use them.
You should also check out the American Stroke Association's local activities. Probably right near you. Great support in your own town. Strokes are the #3 killer of Americans so we need all the help and support available. Go this page and type in your zip code. See what happens.
Medical sites like this can actually save lives. Maybe our own. Or someone we know. Wonderful thing to help save even one life as we journey through life.
Saturday, August 6
Friday, August 5
Watermelon Heart healthy

So I took another look. Never felt too impressed with something that is mostly water (over 90%) and some sugar. But now we learn from approved researchers that it is like taking a good multi- vitamin. It is low in calories, high in energy, and just about fat free.
What really caught my attention was the statement: Watermelon is the leader in Lycopene among fresh fruits and vegetable. And has more lycopene than fresh tomatoes. Harvard University has shown us men that lycopene can help us avoid prostrate trouble. And there is some preventative help for other cancers in men and women. Its now clear to me this red melon is rich nutritionally, so much so, the American Heart Association awarded the " Heart Healthy " seal of approval to it. Most products do not qualify for that heart symbol. We will benefit by making good use of those that do.
Click here for
Dog Calls 911 for sick owner
May seem out of place to post about pet dogs on a health site. But you might be surprised how much some dogs help their owners to feel better. Healthier. Its proven. Look what some pets have done for people in nursing homes? More on that another time but today I read something that bears repeating.
Its something mentioned in the OnlineReporter story about ' Puppy Love.' A man got very sick and went into cardiac arrest. Very serious and critical. His trained dog was standing faithfully by when this happened and immediately seemed to know the situation was terrible and pushed the 911 button on his medical alert. What a wonderful life saving response from this pet dog.
I wanted to know more about the training this dog received that would help him save a life of someone he really cared about. I ended up visiting the site of Canine Partners for Life. Managed by Jennifer Kriesel. These folks are dedicated to helping the disabled live as freely as possible. They do this by training dogs to do things you wouldn't think a dog could do. No wonder they have a waiting list. Take a look.
Its something mentioned in the OnlineReporter story about ' Puppy Love.' A man got very sick and went into cardiac arrest. Very serious and critical. His trained dog was standing faithfully by when this happened and immediately seemed to know the situation was terrible and pushed the 911 button on his medical alert. What a wonderful life saving response from this pet dog.
I wanted to know more about the training this dog received that would help him save a life of someone he really cared about. I ended up visiting the site of Canine Partners for Life. Managed by Jennifer Kriesel. These folks are dedicated to helping the disabled live as freely as possible. They do this by training dogs to do things you wouldn't think a dog could do. No wonder they have a waiting list. Take a look.
Toe Nail Fungus
Toe Nail Fungus seems to be more popular these days. Noticed how many products Walmart is stocking for this minor problem many of us have.
If you or family are concerned, check out this Press Release from one of the oldest and best Associations of Foot doctors in the country. Dermatologist Doctor Richard Scher recently spoke to a group meeting about toe nail problems and how to keep nails healthy. I knew about fungus, etc, but was surprised that even a nasty thing like cancer can grow under the nail.
This is a good site to bookmark. And this is a good page from a MD Professor at Columbia University, New York.
Check out our previous Fungus Toe Nail post.
If you or family are concerned, check out this Press Release from one of the oldest and best Associations of Foot doctors in the country. Dermatologist Doctor Richard Scher recently spoke to a group meeting about toe nail problems and how to keep nails healthy. I knew about fungus, etc, but was surprised that even a nasty thing like cancer can grow under the nail.
This is a good site to bookmark. And this is a good page from a MD Professor at Columbia University, New York.
Check out our previous Fungus Toe Nail post.
70 Quit Smoking Tips
Those of us that quit smoking consider it one of the best decisions we've made in life. And its proven we'll now live longer and live better. And so will those who no longer have to suffer our second-hand smoke which is now proven to be almost as unhealthy. Its not easy for most to stop smoking. Its one of those times you could use all the help you can get.
Check out Joel's list of 70 Tips to help you quit. And check out his main page also.
Look at this sample tip (#13)and see if it doesn't make sense.
" Forget about quitting "forever." Like attempting the seemingly impossible task of eating an entire elephant, it's the biggest psychological bite imaginable. Instead, work hard at adopting a more manageable "one day at a time" standard for measuring victory. If we insist on seeing success only in terms of quitting forever, on which day will we be entitled to celebrate? "
Thats just one. And its a good one. We have proven the truth and wisdom of this tip over and over all our life. Taking one day at a time. Don't pile on all the future days with their tests and trials. Limit to one day. Do the best you can. When tomorrow comes......take that day only. It lightens the load. And helps the soul each time you get victory. Daily victory. Its a good way to live. And it will help you quit smoking. Forget the " forever " goal and stick with the " just today " goal. If you do have not failed forever. You only failed one day. A new try again. And in trying times...keep trying.
Click here and go to the 70 Quit Smoking Tips page.
Check out our previous post on Second Hand Smoke
Check out Joel's list of 70 Tips to help you quit. And check out his main page also.
Look at this sample tip (#13)and see if it doesn't make sense.
" Forget about quitting "forever." Like attempting the seemingly impossible task of eating an entire elephant, it's the biggest psychological bite imaginable. Instead, work hard at adopting a more manageable "one day at a time" standard for measuring victory. If we insist on seeing success only in terms of quitting forever, on which day will we be entitled to celebrate? "
Thats just one. And its a good one. We have proven the truth and wisdom of this tip over and over all our life. Taking one day at a time. Don't pile on all the future days with their tests and trials. Limit to one day. Do the best you can. When tomorrow comes......take that day only. It lightens the load. And helps the soul each time you get victory. Daily victory. Its a good way to live. And it will help you quit smoking. Forget the " forever " goal and stick with the " just today " goal. If you do have not failed forever. You only failed one day. A new try again. And in trying times...keep trying.
Click here and go to the 70 Quit Smoking Tips page.
Check out our previous post on Second Hand Smoke
Thursday, August 4
Shoots Mailman for free health care
Many know how health problems can be a set back, a painful distraction that causes lots of stress and anxiety. But I never remember hearing of anyone with health problems shooting up the mailman so he would get locked up with free government health care for his afflictions.
This Georgia man took his mail, said hello, then started shooting. Hitting the letter carrier seven times. And calmly drove off to the police station feeling justified in doing something that would put him in jail where health care is free.
He had many health bills and health problems. So do many others. But shoot someone to gain access to free health care in our prison system..?? Thankfully, the mailman will live. And thanks also to the neighbor that heard the shots and called 911.
Read the NY Daily News story here
This Georgia man took his mail, said hello, then started shooting. Hitting the letter carrier seven times. And calmly drove off to the police station feeling justified in doing something that would put him in jail where health care is free.
He had many health bills and health problems. So do many others. But shoot someone to gain access to free health care in our prison system..?? Thankfully, the mailman will live. And thanks also to the neighbor that heard the shots and called 911.
Read the NY Daily News story here
Test House for Radon
Most people I talk with do not realize how harmful Radon can be when it is found in your home. And they don't know if they do or don't have it because it is not something you can smell or see or taste. Yet, it is the second leading cause of deadly Lung Cancer. We know smoking and smoke can cause lung cancer but at least that is something we can see. Smell. Taste. Not so for Radon.
It works quietly. Deadly. In one out of four homes in New England. One out of three in Minnesota. National average is 7% of homes have this toxic gas within their home. So how can we know? One way is to purchase a Radon detector at Home Depot or other hardware store. Can also order online (link below) Even if you don't have will have the reassurance of knowing you and your family are safe and it only costs about $25 or so.
One thing I do, with or without testing, is to make sure the basement gets lots of fresh air circulation. Good venting will help alot even if you do have the problem. Thats one reason houses in winter climates are more at risk . Everything closed up to keep warm. And Radon can build up.
There are many places online for learning more. Start with this one:
EPA gov site
It works quietly. Deadly. In one out of four homes in New England. One out of three in Minnesota. National average is 7% of homes have this toxic gas within their home. So how can we know? One way is to purchase a Radon detector at Home Depot or other hardware store. Can also order online (link below) Even if you don't have will have the reassurance of knowing you and your family are safe and it only costs about $25 or so.
One thing I do, with or without testing, is to make sure the basement gets lots of fresh air circulation. Good venting will help alot even if you do have the problem. Thats one reason houses in winter climates are more at risk . Everything closed up to keep warm. And Radon can build up.
There are many places online for learning more. Start with this one:
EPA gov site
Oxygen Water Scam?
Several years ago USA Today showed a full page ad for ' Vitamin O.' Promoting another ' oxygen ' product. There was a lot of talk and promotion of so-called ' oxygenated ' water at the same time. Many of us sports type considered it but did not try it because it did not make sense.
And today I learn this is still a tempting product and subject for many. If that is your homework first. And consider how a little extra oxygen in water can enter our blood and help us run faster. Or whatever. Our bodies certainly need oxygen and thats one reason we have a nose and two lungs. And need to keep breathing. It comes from the air. Normal. Natural. Now some want us to believe we can also need oxygen from water. Like a fish. But I've never seen the real proof drinking water with a little oxygen can help me. Nor have I seen any proof oxygen can get into our blood stream other than via our lungs and breathing.
Besides, even if the little oxygen that is in these water bottles could somehow enter the blood and help me..........tell me why I should pay for it when all I have to do is take one deep breath and there is no charge for that? One deep breath probably has more oxygen content than a dozen of the these water bottles. Don't we all believe in breathing? And now someone says we need more oxygen? OK. It thats true.....I'll take an extra breath or two. Thats the only way we know our blood will become oxygenated. Via the lungs. Not the tummy. Not intestines, etc.
But make up your own mind after y0u do your homework. We can't just take the word of some sales person or company selling something.
Take a look at the following links. Just three out of dozens on this subject.
" Super-Oxygenated Water " is Latest Sports Scam.....
One of the legal actions against 'oxygenated water' advertising.
And today I learn this is still a tempting product and subject for many. If that is your homework first. And consider how a little extra oxygen in water can enter our blood and help us run faster. Or whatever. Our bodies certainly need oxygen and thats one reason we have a nose and two lungs. And need to keep breathing. It comes from the air. Normal. Natural. Now some want us to believe we can also need oxygen from water. Like a fish. But I've never seen the real proof drinking water with a little oxygen can help me. Nor have I seen any proof oxygen can get into our blood stream other than via our lungs and breathing.
Besides, even if the little oxygen that is in these water bottles could somehow enter the blood and help me..........tell me why I should pay for it when all I have to do is take one deep breath and there is no charge for that? One deep breath probably has more oxygen content than a dozen of the these water bottles. Don't we all believe in breathing? And now someone says we need more oxygen? OK. It thats true.....I'll take an extra breath or two. Thats the only way we know our blood will become oxygenated. Via the lungs. Not the tummy. Not intestines, etc.
But make up your own mind after y0u do your homework. We can't just take the word of some sales person or company selling something.
Take a look at the following links. Just three out of dozens on this subject.
" Super-Oxygenated Water " is Latest Sports Scam.....
One of the legal actions against 'oxygenated water' advertising.
Wednesday, August 3
Hospitals Honor Roll
The weekly US News & World Report has always been interesting to me. One of their special editions is the annual " Best Hospitals " coverage. Have you ever wondered what hospitals rank higher than others in service and safety..? Our area has several and yet one is outstanding. That may be very helpful information.
The same issue also has an Honor Roll list of 16 specially chosen out of 176. Quite an honor to be singled out as better than even the best. Its good reading.
Click Hospital Honor Roll page here.
The same issue also has an Honor Roll list of 16 specially chosen out of 176. Quite an honor to be singled out as better than even the best. Its good reading.
Click Hospital Honor Roll page here.
Tuesday, August 2
Children's Health
Anyone concerned about children's health should know about the most popular children's site online.
I discovered this while researching animal bites this morning. If that is also a concern for you, consider what KidsHealth has to say on just one of many subjects they cover.
Mention is made that even a kitten's scratch on child could become infected. Its called: Cat Scratch Disease, a bacterial infection. And we are reminded certain animal bites transmit rabies and tetanus. And human bites that break the skin are even more likely to become infected.
Whether a bite or scratch, you should try to apply pressure with clean towel or bandage till bleeding stops. Then clean the wound with soap and water, holding under running water five minutes. Don't apply antiseptic or anything else. Dry the wound and use gauze or clean cloth to cover. Phone child's doctor. May need antibiotics, tetanus booster, or even a rabies vaccination.
A bite or scratch to child's hand or face is more apt to become infected.
More advice is given about when to take child to hospital. And what to do about another animal that may be involved, etc. Make sure your own pet is immunized and licensed.
I discovered this while researching animal bites this morning. If that is also a concern for you, consider what KidsHealth has to say on just one of many subjects they cover.
Mention is made that even a kitten's scratch on child could become infected. Its called: Cat Scratch Disease, a bacterial infection. And we are reminded certain animal bites transmit rabies and tetanus. And human bites that break the skin are even more likely to become infected.
Whether a bite or scratch, you should try to apply pressure with clean towel or bandage till bleeding stops. Then clean the wound with soap and water, holding under running water five minutes. Don't apply antiseptic or anything else. Dry the wound and use gauze or clean cloth to cover. Phone child's doctor. May need antibiotics, tetanus booster, or even a rabies vaccination.
A bite or scratch to child's hand or face is more apt to become infected.
More advice is given about when to take child to hospital. And what to do about another animal that may be involved, etc. Make sure your own pet is immunized and licensed.
Monday, August 1
How Healthy Are You ?
Are you really as healthy as you think? Try these interactive tools to find out - and learn how to lead a healthier life. Click here.
Sunday, July 31
Mouth Cancer Top Sites
I didn't realize until today that over 30,000 people get some kind of mouth or throat cancer each year in USA. Someone dies from this disease every hour here in US. Worldwide, over 300,000 new cases of mouth problems yearly.
What is it that causes this? What do people do for it? Where do they go? How do we prevent this from happening? Is every little mouth sore something to worry about?
I searched Google today and didn't get any further than the first two sites listed. They are non profit and very helpful. Be sure there are solid reasons for their popularity. There is a great need for this kind of help. Check it out. Do the self-exam. That could save your life. The reason almost half of people with this problem die is because it was discovered too late. Or, they put it off too long. These three top sites give you one from UK, one from USA, and last site reveals how to check your mouth for any problem.
Please use these. Mouth cancers can be tricky because they can be almost invisible. And getting them early is more than half the battle. The cure rate for early detection is over 80%. Maybe that is why almost 50% die from this. They didn't discover it soon enough. Or they did, but put it off too long.
What is it that causes this? What do people do for it? Where do they go? How do we prevent this from happening? Is every little mouth sore something to worry about?
I searched Google today and didn't get any further than the first two sites listed. They are non profit and very helpful. Be sure there are solid reasons for their popularity. There is a great need for this kind of help. Check it out. Do the self-exam. That could save your life. The reason almost half of people with this problem die is because it was discovered too late. Or, they put it off too long. These three top sites give you one from UK, one from USA, and last site reveals how to check your mouth for any problem.
Please use these. Mouth cancers can be tricky because they can be almost invisible. And getting them early is more than half the battle. The cure rate for early detection is over 80%. Maybe that is why almost 50% die from this. They didn't discover it soon enough. Or they did, but put it off too long.
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