Friday, September 9

Radon hides in your basement

Some of you know we covered this in previous post but here it is in the news again. This time about a man checking his home in Rhode Island for radon gas and being very shocked when the Inspectors report said he had it and needed to correct it immediately.

Nationwide, one of every fifteen homes has this radioactive gas problem. Especially in some areas such as New England. Many people have lung cancer because of it. And some of them never smoked. But its double trouble for those that smoke.

Can you picture over 20,000 lung cases from Radon per year?

Radon gas cannot be seen or smelled so its a very sneaky enemy lurking in many basements. You can go to Home Depot, etc, and purchase a Radon detector kit for $25 or so. Do it now while you are thinking of it. This is a serious problem most people are not even aware of.

Wednesday, September 7

Aspirin vs. Cancer

Aspirin vs. Cancer has been in the news again. You've probably seen one of these Headlines....

" Long-term Aspirin use lowers colon cancer risk"
" Aspirin cuts risk of Colon Cancer"
" Aspirin may Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk"
" Aspirin may help prevent Colon Cancer"

Plus many others. Its good news to hear of extensive studies that show Aspirin's ability to prevent cancer. Instead of an apple a day, some are now saying we should take an Aspirin a Day to keep the doctor away. This 100 year old drug is in the news again because a large study of women indicated those taking the most aspirin daily for ten years lowered their risk over 50%. Impressive.

But there is a problem. And its not found in the headlines but in the small print of these Aspirin vs. Colon Cancer news reports. The problem is: great risk of internal bleeding from prolonged daily use of aspirin. And that has been proven. A serious side effect. Is it worth it? Talk to your doctor.

This is an important issue because Colon Cancer is the #2 Cancer killer, second only to lung cancer. Over 130,000 people will get it this year and about 56,000 will die from it. Prevention is the way to go and that means talking with a doctor about aspirin. And about tests ,etc, that can help discover it in time to treat it.

click here for link to Calcium vs Colon Cancer. One glass of milk per day can reduce Colon Cancer risk by 15 %.

Tired Medical Students are dangerous

Still another report out today about how medical students make dangerous doctors due to lack of sleep. Nothing new there. But its still shocking. Did you ever have to work the night shift? Ever try to work around the clock? Ever notice how we make more mistakes when tired?

The poor young doctors in training are regularly scheduled for ' round the clock ' shifts. Seems traditional now. Imagine that young doctor trying to help you and others after a 20 hour shift? It wouldn't be wrong to ask any of these student doctors how much sleep they get. Its proven they make many more mistakes and they also cause many more accidents while driving.

Some researchers compare these overworked young doctors to someone slightly drunk. I'm glad there is more publicity about this and hopefully....more pressure put on those who make out these doctors schedules. The 90 hour work week is not healthy for them or for their patients. It always seemed inhumane to me. A 1999 study by Insitute of Medicine mentioned almost 100,000 deaths a year from negligent medical practice. How many of them died because of the tired out resident-physician who was about as alert as a drunk?

This and more in latest American Medical Association Journal.

Three Medical Student Doctor links.

CBS News Report
Australian News Report
American Medical Student Association (largest, oldest organization of doctors in training)

Memory Loss. You worried ?

A few health news items stood out as I reviewed over 100 this am. One of them covered some recent research on losing our minds. Or, memory loss. This is a big thing and I noticed many times people more concerned about that than heart attack or cancer. You too ?

Click here for a Memory Loss update on Yahoo health news today.

This report shows us seven simple things anyone can do to preserve our memory. You've probably heard them before but they seemed too simple to work wonders. Like exercise, for instance. We hear this all the time. And some of us practice it. With NO regrets. It works. Just walking 15 minutes a day will help our heart and mind. Its proven that what helps our heart will also help our mind.

Weekly servings of fish are proven winners. Some of us opt for pure fish oil capsules. And have proven their helpfulness. Just ask my doctor. Blood tests don't lie.

Read this Memory Research report now.

Monday, September 5

Green Tea vs. Cancer

A new Green Tea fights Cancer press release crossed my desk today. Read it Here.

There have been some impressive studies confirming the health value of drinking Tea, green or black. And those of us drinking Tea for many years are not surprised.

It seems some kinds and brands of Tea are a little better than others. This press release today mentions two of them that even the FDA recognizes as proven cancer fighters. Take a look.

Stress #1 Health Problem..?

Is STRESS the #1 Health Problem ? Maybe. Its estimated more than 50% of doctor visits are from stress related causes. One doctor even mentioned 75%.

I want to share a few very helpful links on this subject. First would be the AIS, The American Insitute of Stress. A non profit organization established in 1978 at the request of Hans Selye to serve as a clearinghouse for information on all stress related subjects. Other founding members included Linus Pauling, Alvin Toffler, Bob Hope, Michael DeBakey, Herbert Benson, Ray Rosenman and other prominent physicians, health professionals and lay individuals interested in exploring the multitudinous and varied effects of stress on our health and quality of life.

One look at these names tells us to BOOKMARK this site. Job Stress is far and away the leading source of stress for adults but stress levels have also escalated in children, teenagers, college students and the elderly for other reasons, including: increased crime, violence and other threats to personal safety; pernicious peer pressures that lead to substance abuse and other unhealthy life style habits; social isolation and loneliness; the erosion of family and religious values and ties; the loss of other strong sources of social support that are powerful stress busters.

Go here for helpful gov. site on STRESS.

Sunday, September 4

Mad Cow Facts

Someone questioned my sanity when I ordered a hamburger in Wendys awhile back. Their intense fear of Mad Cow disease made it impossible for them to ever eat hamburger again. Did they know of anyone that had this disease? No. Did they know of hamburger in general being unfit to eat? Yes. And why did they feel that way? One infected cow in Texas. And one in Canada a few years ago.

We all have to make our own decisions and therefore its good to at least read about both sides of this issue. Many of us have done that.

Here are a few resources to help you.

Mad Cow Facts

Gov. Mad Cow Answer page

Alan Caruba: Why Mad Cows don't scare me

More than 50 additional Mad Cow links