Saturday, October 1

Prostrate Cancer obesity risk

Overweight men should read this new report. It may give them added incentive to lose a few pounds. Its not only healthier but anti-cancer. This new study of men with prostrate cancer shows those who were obese had more serious problems.

The results also suggest that diet and exercise may be effective in reducing the risk of prostate cancer progression.

Yahoo cancer health report here
American Cancer Society Prostrate Cancer page here
ACS Prostrate Cancer message boards here

Tuesday, September 27

Fruit Juice fights cancer

Prostrate Cancer will be diagnosed in over 200,000 USA men this year. More than 30,000 of them will die from it. This is the #2 Cancer Killer of men, second to lung cancer. A serious situation, don't you think ?

Interesting news report today about Pomegranate juice fighting cancer in new tests. Not only in prevention of cancer but treatment. And prostrate was singled out as especially treatable by drinking the juice.

This isn't the first time we've read reports of how powerful anti-oxidants can be in fighting cancer cells. Pomegranate juice is rich in anti-oxidants. Its one reason we want more fruits and vegetables. Especially those with deep colors.......anti-oxidant colors.

Deep red Pomegranate juice is becoming more popular now as a health drink.

"Our study -- while early -- adds to growing evidence that pomegranates contain very powerful agents against cancer, particularly prostate cancer," said Dr. Hasan Mukhtar, a professor of dermatology at the University of Wisconsin Medical School, who led the study.

Yahoo Pomegranate news here
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Click here for recent Pomegranate juice research proving drinking one glass a day can improve blood flow to the heart. Coronary heart disease is the #1 cause of death in USA. This first of its kind research involved people with heart disease and making just one change over three months. Their heart improved 17% simply by drinking one glass of this juice daily.

Monday, September 26

Smokers get Diabetes

Hey smokers..........Would you like another good reason to quit ? You are more apt to get diabetes if you smoke.

The current issue of Diabetes Care reports this bad news for smokers. Researchers at Wake Forest University of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C did a five year study comparing smokers and non-smokers, proving smoking gives you a higher risk of becoming a diabetic.

Cigarettes and health problems seem to go together.

Read smoking-diabetes report here

If you would like to read an interesting report on the easy way of preventing diabetes just click here. Diabetes prevention is proven, possible, and powerful. Learn more about your risk and the small steps you can take to delay or prevent the disease and live a long, healthy life.

You don't have to knock yourself out !! Good luck.
PS: If you need help to quit here

Broccoli fights Cancer

New research report out today confirms broccoli can help fight cancer. Sure hope this is true. We need all the anti-cancer help we can get.

Almost a million and half people get cancer each year. 500,000 of them die. And researchers and doctors believe about 1/3 of these deaths are diet related.

Researchers say it's the first study to suggest that treatment with isothiocyanates (broccoli, caulifower,etc) can slow the progression of lung cancer as well as reduce the risk of tumors in people already exposed to cancer-causing substances, such as tobacco smoke. your veggies. We are what we eat.

Click here for this WebMD Produce Power report

Sunday, September 25

Your Aging Skin

Is beauty Skin deep ? No, its Bone deep. Thats part of a new report presented Sunday in a Chicago conference of Plastic Surgeons.

We see the signs of aging skin as we look in the mirror. Usually we blame the skin, the sun, our genes, etc. But this latest research shows we lose more than fat and elasticity as we age. We also lose bone volume as aging bone stucture changes. And our faces sag and our skin wrinkles making us look older than we really are.

What to do? Ah, plastic surgeons to the rescue. They can use ' filler ' to recreate lost volume. And maybe some forehead ' lifting ' and soft tissue ' repositioning.' For starters.

Is it painful ? Yes, when you get the bill ! :>)

Read report here

Want more?
Aging Skin update here