Saturday, July 9

Cosmetic Surgery 911

Another recent report of a lady going to a foreign country to save money on cosmetic surgery. Saving thousands may seem smart and for some, it has been. But for some others it has been a nightmare.

There are risks and potential problems with any surgery but its worse if this happens a long way from home. And what if you are already back home and need to return because of complications? Goodbye to your savings. And surgery is more complicated the second time around. In fact, many surgeons will not accept another doctors mistakes.

One problem with foreign doctors is knowing who is trained and who isn't. And who is it that will deliver your anesthesia? Do they have medical training? There is no international standard for board-certification. What about the nurses? Is she or he trained?

This cosmetic surgery field is very lucrative and has attracted some not qualified. I would beware of bargain-basement rates.

Check out the following links.

Friday, July 8

FDA Viagara Alert

The FDA wants a new warning added to Viagara labels because some
users experienced sudden blindness. Yet they aren't 100% sure this
vision loss came from Viagara .
So why mention it ...? Because the public is more concerned than ever
about drug side effects and prefers to know now rather than later.

Thursday, July 7

W Nile Virus

Some of us heard of this Virus that can kill via mosquito many years ago. But we weren't as concerned then because it was in Africa and Europe. Wasen't anything we could do.

Then, since 1999, news reports speak of many who have been sickened or died here in most USA States. We have read of hundreds being sick and taking months to get better. We heard of many who had brain swelling that caused their death.

From one infected mosquito bite.

So how can we fight back. How do we kill every nearby mosquito..? We can't. But we can remove the source. Remove the standing water in our yards, bird feeders, rain gutters, where they breed. Even an old tire could be full of mosquito-breeding stagnant water.

I still have my bird feeders but the water gets changed every couple days. Most mosquitoes need at least a week or two for breeding.

Another thing we can do is avoid being outdoors at dusk or dawn. Thats when they are the worse. And they are attracted to dark clothing so wearing light colors (with long sleeves)would help. And they seem to love perfume strongly scented.

And most experts advise us to use Bug Spray......the kind with DEET.

Most areas have had a lot of warm and wet weather this year so we expect even more of these blood-suckers. Beware of dead birds. If this W Nile Virus killed that bird and then gets bitten by a mosquito that also bites us.......we have reason to be concerned.

It may not bother some people but even one bite could lead to rash, fever, stiff neck. Worst case would be brain swelling, coma and paralysis. Don't put off talking with a doctor if you experience any of this.

Tuesday, July 5

Car Trunk Kills Children

Several recent news reports of children being trapped in Car Trunk. Hiding in the car trunk can be very tempting for children. Its up to the rest of us to warn them about the dangers of this just as we would warn them about strangers, etc. If the lack of air doesn't get them the heat we now have will. Many cars have safety devices installed. And one company markets one especially for older models.

The most heart-breaking news came from New Jersey where three children died in the family car trunk. Over 100 police officers were searching for these children. And none checked the trunk. Showing us how simple dangers like this can be overlooked by any of us. The childrens parent finally checked the trunk and what a terrible shock that must have been. It was way too late. The three boys were dead. And now there is a memorial that marks the spot.

Another recent news item mentioned a mother locking her children in the trunk after they misbehaved in WalMart. An off duty police officer was notified who then told her to release the children. He could hardly believe she would do this......especially in the heat we are having. And now she is charged with a Felony.

Another case reported a mother going out to call her child and he was missing. She assumed the worse and felt someone took him. After reporting to police, the boys father drove around hoping to see him. Meanwhile, the boy was in the trunk as the father frantically drove around. Sometimes its hard to understand children. The parents vowed to make the car trunk danger very clear to the children. Its something not obvious to them so we adults are responsible.

Monday, July 4

Travelors Diarrhea

Summer time is travel time for some of us. If that means going to a foreign country we should stop and consider some 911 situations that might arise. One of them that afflicts more than a million people per year is:

Travelors Diarrhea.

It may not be too serious but its awfully inconvienent. Trip after trip to the bathroom. Abdominal cramping too. A real vacation spoiler. Talk to your doctor before you go. There are some medications and other helps we can get before leaving. Better to do this first. Some of the remedies you purchase overseas may not be safe. And some of it is banned in the USA.

You'll hear different reasons for ' loose stools ' and cramping but mostly it seems to come from bacteria in food and water that infects us. I would not drink tap water. Nor would I even brush my teeth with it. I don't eat fruit that can't be peeled.

A friend told me of getting sick and the only possible cause was the fruit juice (mixed with water) and the ice cubes cooling it. Washing hands often helps. So does keeping your mouth shut in the shower. And you better think twice before buying food from food vendors. And watch out for milk not pasteurized, undercooked meat, room temperature salads, and things washed in tap water.

Here is one of many helpful online sites:

Sunday, July 3

Cosmetics Contaminated

Haven't most shoppers noticed how clean, shiny, and bright department store cosmetic counters are. And the consultant-employee dressed in clinic white.

It was surprising to learn that sometimes 100% of the counter samples were contaminated with bacteria. Some of it fecal. That belongs in the bathroom. Only the open containers were sampled and then tested by Physician-Professor Elizabeth Brooks, Rowan University.

Twenty brands of skin, eye, and lip products were tested over two year period. Professor Brooks also said none of this bacteria would kill you but could create problems like eye conjunctivitus, etc. What sounded worse to me was the E.Coli bug that could be traced to fecal matter. Seems some cosmetic samplers did not wash after using the bathroom. And those using the samples after them would likely become contaminated also.

Maybe the stores hearing of this problem will sanitize their samples. Wipe them with anti-bacterial swab after each use or something. What about individual samples? And people samping from these open and used containers should test on their hands instead of face. More people sampling cosmetics should avoid applying any of this near eyes, nose, or mouth.

There are many reports of Professor Brooks research. Click title for one.