NO PAIN--No Gain. Ever hear that from some exercise experts? Not much anymore but we not only heard it many years ago---we believed it. Thats how we exercised. Thats how many of us jogged in the old days. And we paid the price. And learned the hard way that the hard way was not wise.
" Baby boomers in 1998 suffered more that 1 million sports injuries, to the tune of nearly $19 billion in medical costs, said the report from 2000, the most recent data available. "
"The most common injuries come from overuse and affect knees, ankles, lower back and shoulders"
"Aging can't be avoided, but injuries can be. And doctors say that doesn't mean all avid joggers must hang up their running shoes, or lifelong basketball players must necessarily forgo the neighborhood court — it's all about exercising smarter. "
"The old adage 'no pain, no gain' should be less relevant as we age than when we're younger," Lonner said. "It's a matter of being educated in how to exercise appropriately and what signs to look out for when exercising, like muscle soreness and joint pain."
These are some of the things doctors are saying. Read the whole thing and save yourself some of the problems we sufferred that once believed in NO PAIN--No Gain. Myth !!
Associated Press News Report
also check out
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Patient Library