How many times have we read about the danger of Mercury in Fish? And how many times have we read of all the wonderful health benefits of eating fish? Even just once a week is helpful. Lots of research has proven the nutritional value of eating fish. How good it is for our hearts, etc. We have no doubt about that.
Yet, we worry about the mercury. Should we just avoid eating fish and play it safe? What is the risk involved here. Is it possible not eating fish is the bigger risk? Losing the healthy heart benefit? Plus other health blessings.
Is avoiding Mercury the main issue? Or, is this toxin a very small risk in comparison to not eating fish? Many of us ponder this and go back and forth. Just this week I reached for the can of light tuna instead of my usual can of albacore. Why? Research tells us the bigger fish has more mercury stored up than the smaller (tuna) fish. Right?
Read this report if you too share our health concern in eating fish today. Its reassuring.