Wednesday, September 7

Aspirin vs. Cancer

Aspirin vs. Cancer has been in the news again. You've probably seen one of these Headlines....

" Long-term Aspirin use lowers colon cancer risk"
" Aspirin cuts risk of Colon Cancer"
" Aspirin may Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk"
" Aspirin may help prevent Colon Cancer"

Plus many others. Its good news to hear of extensive studies that show Aspirin's ability to prevent cancer. Instead of an apple a day, some are now saying we should take an Aspirin a Day to keep the doctor away. This 100 year old drug is in the news again because a large study of women indicated those taking the most aspirin daily for ten years lowered their risk over 50%. Impressive.

But there is a problem. And its not found in the headlines but in the small print of these Aspirin vs. Colon Cancer news reports. The problem is: great risk of internal bleeding from prolonged daily use of aspirin. And that has been proven. A serious side effect. Is it worth it? Talk to your doctor.

This is an important issue because Colon Cancer is the #2 Cancer killer, second only to lung cancer. Over 130,000 people will get it this year and about 56,000 will die from it. Prevention is the way to go and that means talking with a doctor about aspirin. And about tests ,etc, that can help discover it in time to treat it.

click here for link to Calcium vs Colon Cancer. One glass of milk per day can reduce Colon Cancer risk by 15 %.

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