Sunday, July 31

Mouth Cancer Top Sites

I didn't realize until today that over 30,000 people get some kind of mouth or throat cancer each year in USA. Someone dies from this disease every hour here in US. Worldwide, over 300,000 new cases of mouth problems yearly.

What is it that causes this? What do people do for it? Where do they go? How do we prevent this from happening? Is every little mouth sore something to worry about?

I searched Google today and didn't get any further than the first two sites listed. They are non profit and very helpful. Be sure there are solid reasons for their popularity. There is a great need for this kind of help. Check it out. Do the self-exam. That could save your life. The reason almost half of people with this problem die is because it was discovered too late. Or, they put it off too long. These three top sites give you one from UK, one from USA, and last site reveals how to check your mouth for any problem.

Please use these. Mouth cancers can be tricky because they can be almost invisible. And getting them early is more than half the battle. The cure rate for early detection is over 80%. Maybe that is why almost 50% die from this. They didn't discover it soon enough. Or they did, but put it off too long.

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