Tuesday, November 1

10 Superfoods that fight Cancer

Researchers are learning more and more about the health benefits of eating right. How often they remind us to eat our veggies; eat more fruits, etc. Before reading this report, let me ask you...........

What do onions, strawberries, and cabbage have in common?

Why do Polish women now living in USA have more breast cancer than those that remain in homeland? What is it they eat 30 lbs of yearly in Poland but only 10 lbs of when living in USA ?

Is changing your diet really one of the most effective ways of prolonging your life ?

Is it true almost 1/3 of cancers are diet related ?

Why is eating more veggies and fruits the Second best way to lower your Cancer Risk ?

If second....what comes First in cutting our cancer risk? ( smoking )

Read what the experts are proving and saying. Click here.