Sunday, August 7

Head Lice News

Head Lice problem in the news again. I've never had it but can understand how embarrassing it would be. An itchy head with all these little bugs moving around, laying eggs, etc. And wondering where they came from. And who else in the house has it. And whats the best way to get rid of them.

Click here for the most recent head lice Medical Report. These British researchers proved wet combing best way to get rid of this problem. Worked four times better than pharmacy-bought chemical head lice lotions. These bugs have developed resistance to common over the counter products. They can't hop , fly, or jump around. We get them from head to head contact. Or directly contacting infested clothing. Or sharing same pillow, etc. They love a head to live in where there is warmth, food, and shelter.

Here are two more head lice links that will introduce you to some people that had this problem and what worked for them. The third link leads to organization devoted to Head Lice problem.

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