Monday, January 2

SUV's Safer than Cars? Not for KIDS

SUV's NOT Safer for Children Report

Childrens Hosptial Child Safety Info

Some car owners were getting after some SUV owners during recent gas high prices. One SUV owner replied: " Well yes, it does take more gas. But our kids are safer than in a car." Some of us used to think so. But not anymore. Read this new report and you'll see children can be more endangered riding in a SUV than in a car !!

One problem with SUV's is their tendency to ' roll-over.' A lot more than any car. And children's injuries are Three-times worse in SUV rollovers than in a car. Read what a Children's Hospital emergency room doctor has to say about this:

. "Many people just assume that the extra weight and size of an SUV makes them safer, but what we found was that the potential benefits were canceled by the SUVs' increased likelihood of rolling over," said study co-author Dr. Dennis Durbin, an emergency room doctor at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

"The message for parents is that SUVs are no safer, and that they should know the importance of ensuring that their children are properly restrained for their age on every trip in the car."

SUV's are more popular than ever, partly due to owners feeling of safety. And some tests have verified that. But they only tested for adults. This new report considered the safety of Children and learned some alarming things that you should also know about.

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