Tuesday, July 12

Toe Nail Fungus

One big toe of mine is thick and ugly. Online searching shows me I'm not alone. Report after report talks about ' Toe Nail Fungus.' You might be surprised how much comes up when you search this phrase on Google. Its rare in children but about half of Americans have it by age 70.
Nearly every report mentions warm and wet feet encourage the growth of this nail fungus. Especially in big or little toe. And one of the simplest ways to fight back is by keeping feet as dry as possible. Like changing socks more often. Only wearing the absorbent type.
Changing shoes can help also. Wearing on alternate days gives them a chance to dry out. Making sure feet are dry after washing them. Wearing sandals in shower helps. Keep nails trimmed. Don't use nail polish on toe nails because it will act like a seal and allow fungus to grow. Your foot doctor can help you understand the cause and the treatment.
Just two of many links available: