Thursday, October 6

Middle Age vs Alzheimer's Disease

We've often read how exercise helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. We now have a new report published in NY Times showing how middle age people who exercise also have added protection against becoming senile, dementia, alzheimers. Proving what we've learned......that what helps our heart helps our mind also.

Researchers in Sweden were surprised to notice what 'leisure time physical activity' twice weekly could accomplish. 1,500 patients had their habits monitored for 35 years. Those who exercised as they passed through middle age had a 50 percent lower risk of developing dementia and 60 percent lower chance of developing Alzheimer's disease. Compared to those in the study that had little exercise over the years.

"If an individual adopts an active lifestyle in youth and at midlife, this may increase their probability of enjoying both physically and cognitively vital years later in life," said Dr. Miia Kivipelto of the Aging Research Center of the Karolinska Institute, who is the study's main author.

Many people are surprised to learn exercise can help them avoid memory loss and brain disease. Exercise helps our blood flow and thats good for heart and brain. This may be the first study that validates something as simple as exercise can help prevent Alzheimers, a very dreadful disease.

We hope publishing good news like this would motivate us to be more active. We'll not only live longer.....but live better. More apt to live long......die quick.

Read about this new research here

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