Friday, August 19

Tylenol raises Women's Blood Pressure

You ladies should know about the recent Harvard study of over 5,000 nurses and how these researchers discovered that OTC painkillers can seriously raise a women's blood pressure. I was surprised to see Tylenol on the list. We've always assumed its safer than any other OTC painkiller. Not true.

Women in the same age group (51 - 77) who took an average daily dose of more than 500 milligrams of acetaminophen (one extra-strength Tylenol) almost doubled their risk of developing high blood pressure within about three years.

Younger women (aged 34 to 53) who took those daily doses of 400 milligrams of ibuprofen or NSAIDs were 60% more likely to develop high blood pressure and those who took an average of more than 500 milligrams acetaminophen a day had a two-fold higher risk of developing high blood pressure.

Advil, Motrin, Aleve, etc are also implicated in causing high blood pressure in women. Especially if used daily for three years. Click here for more information

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