Saturday, October 29

High Blood Pressure vs. Joe Montana

Jennifer Montana was shocked when Joe phoned home and told her he had high blood pressure and would need to do something about it. Joe had been feeling fine and only went to doctor for routine physical at his wife's urging. What a surprise for them both to learn this 46 year old , one of the worlds greatest pro football quarterbacks, had high blood pressure.

He was not sedentary, or overweight. Montana turned out to be one of the more than 65 million Americans who suffer from high blood pressure, an insidious and symptomless disease that dramatically increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

"I had no symptoms at all. That is the scary part of this disease. It can sneak up on you," he said

We've come a long ways with medical advances but doctors will tell you they don't know everything about high blood pressure and what causes it. More than 65 Million americans suffer from it. And there are millions that don't even know they have it. It's like a killer that silently creeps up in the dark and then strikes.

Joe is treating his condition and has not had stroke or heart attack. And you can be sure he knows ' his numbers.' How about you? Do you know your blood pressure numbers? Do yourself and your loved ones a favor and find out.

Read more about Joe Montana's high blood pressure and treatment here