Wednesday, October 19

Depression hits 1 out of 10

New report shows 1 in 10 Americans have experienced some mental illness in their lifetime.
And 1 in 20 Americans have experienced depression in last 12 months.

Whats also new is middle age baby boomers are hurting more than young adults.
Read more here

Click here for quiz to see what your own risk of depression is.

And ask yourself if a Pet can help. The answer is yes. We've seen this over and over for many years and now we are reading many well researched reports proving the same.

Pets can actually lower your blood pressure. And help your social relationships. Give your immunity a boost. And help you defeat feeling Depressed !!

I have read reports proving people who had a heart attack live longer if they also have a pet.

5 Ways Pets can improve your health report here