Tuesday, October 4

Chocolate vs Diarrhea

Want another reason to eat dark chocolate ? New research indicates eating dark chocolate will relieve diarrhea. Proving the ancient myth is True ! Thanks to the Oakland Children's Hospital & Research Center.

Cocoa Beans contain lots of healthy chemicals called: flavonoids. And its now proven these can ease diarrhea symptoms.

"Our study presents the first evidence that fluid loss by the intestine can be prevented by cocoa flavonoids," said Horst Fischer, Ph.D., Associate Scientist, Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute and co-author of the study. "Ultimately, this discovery could lead to the development of natural treatments that are inexpensive, easy to access and are unlikely to have side effects."

Each year, Americans record an average of 2.4 million visits to their doctor with symptoms of diarrhea. Children younger than the age of five and the elderly are the most likely to develop grave health problems if their condition leads to dehydration.

Until now, no one knew how the ancient 16th century European myth of cocoa treating diarrhea could work.

Read the dark chocolate vs diarrhea report here.

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