Wednesday, September 7

Tired Medical Students are dangerous

Still another report out today about how medical students make dangerous doctors due to lack of sleep. Nothing new there. But its still shocking. Did you ever have to work the night shift? Ever try to work around the clock? Ever notice how we make more mistakes when tired?

The poor young doctors in training are regularly scheduled for ' round the clock ' shifts. Seems traditional now. Imagine that young doctor trying to help you and others after a 20 hour shift? It wouldn't be wrong to ask any of these student doctors how much sleep they get. Its proven they make many more mistakes and they also cause many more accidents while driving.

Some researchers compare these overworked young doctors to someone slightly drunk. I'm glad there is more publicity about this and hopefully....more pressure put on those who make out these doctors schedules. The 90 hour work week is not healthy for them or for their patients. It always seemed inhumane to me. A 1999 study by Insitute of Medicine mentioned almost 100,000 deaths a year from negligent medical practice. How many of them died because of the tired out resident-physician who was about as alert as a drunk?

This and more in latest American Medical Association Journal.

Three Medical Student Doctor links.

CBS News Report
Australian News Report
American Medical Student Association (largest, oldest organization of doctors in training)

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