Monday, September 12

Hearing Loss. Aging Ears on young people

A young friend showed me a car trunk full of expensive music equipment that produced those loud sounds they love and we shun. I asked about his ears and the possibility of hearing loss. Not concerned. I asked about Acne troubles so many teens have and that was a concern..!!

Check out a couple links here and learn more about the very real danger of hearing loss amongst our young people. The baby boomers have already found this out the hard way. Even President Clinton had to get fitted for hearing aids a few years ago.

Ear doctors tell us most of this damage from continual loud sound is not reversible. Tell that to one young fella that denied this could happen. "And if it does, they will have a way to fix it by the time I get older." Its great to be young. Nothing to worry about. Postpone it all to the future and then fall back on the hope medical science will come up with something to restore their aging ears to young ones again.

MP3 players can damage your hearing more than popular Walkmans and CD players.

The National Health Interview Survey revealed hearing loss increased 26% in people 46 to 64.
And 17% in people 18 to 44.

My young friend said the music has to be loud to do any good. Going without it was impossible. And turning it down to levels us older folk could accept would not work either. He tried that and was not happy. It seems many younger folk need this almost like the druggie needs more drugs. It appears to be something addictive and controlling.

The Pediatrics journal estimates over 5 Million children between ages of 6 to 19 have hearing loss that is ' noise-induced.'

Young people with Aging Ears will be more common. The loss of hearing associated with age is moving down the ladder to the younger generation.

Read Hearing Loss News here
More News here

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