Thursday, September 22

Did You Wash Your Hands Today?

Women have cleaner hands than men. Because women Wash Their Hands more than men. Every survey and test I've seen confirms this. Including the new one just out. Do you think a women would snicker at another women who might use tissue paper on the rest room door handle as she opens it? I doubt it.

But some men sure would. One of them snickered at me in Walmarts when he saw me using a paper towel as I opened the men's room door to leave. He didn't know (maybe would not care anyway) that the man leaving just ahead of me not only did not wash his hands after using the rest room but had just sneezed into his hand as well. Why would I want to touch that same door handle after he used it? Common sense.

Take a look at the hand washing links in this post. Judge for yourself.

The fact is:

"The single most important thing we can do to keep from getting sick and spreading illness to others is to clean our hands." Simply using soap and water is the gold standard when it comes to washing off dirt and germs. No soap and water available? Many stores sell swipes and hand sanitizers.

Resources and latest survey
Hand Washing Press Release
Why Children hand washing so important

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