Wednesday, August 24

Doctors Obesity Lecture Offends Patient

Sometimes we hear of doctors in trouble over medical errors or something not ethical but this post points to a doctor in trouble for telling his patient the truth about Obesity. What he said about being fat offended her. Then she filed a complaint and now this New Hampshire family practitioner is in hot water.

The medical board actually turned this over to the Attorney Generals office for further investigation. Shame on this doctor for telling the truth..???? Didn't he realize that is not what most people want to hear..???? Why should he be so caring about the health of a fat patient..?. ?She took offense and the medical board seems to agree with her.

This doctor admits he has made some mistakes over the years (me too..) but telling the truth is not one of them. Has the day arrived that a doctor gets in trouble every time some patients feelings are hurt when he tells the truth .. ? And the medical board sides with the patient..?

Many of us understand what hurt feeling feel like and it can be depressing. And we understand how someone calling fat unhealthy could be discouraging. However, other patients of this same doctor mentioned they too were sometimes angry with him for being so truthful about Obesity and all the health problems it can cause. One obese patient left in anger and furiously drove off. But she calmed down and realized the doctor told her the truth; the same truth she already knew. She is doing something about it now. And does not blame the doctor. She blames her eating and lifestyle for leading her into obesity. And thanks the doctor for stirring her up enough to get a grip on her health problem.

Click here for more info.

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