Sunday, August 21

Check Hospitals Report Card

Check your area Hospitals Report Card

This tool provides you with information on how well the hospitals in your area care for all their adult patients with certain medical conditions. This information will help you compare the quality of care hospitals provide. Hospital Compare was created through the efforts of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and organizations that represent hospitals, doctors, employers, accrediting organizations, other Federal agencies and the public.

Talk to your doctor about this information to help you, your family and your friends make your best hospital care decisions.

Quality control is a big thing. Especially in hospitals. This new tool can help you evaluate your local hospitals and choose the one with the highest ratings. In some can make a big difference in your health. Sometimes even life or death issue.

Some big differences show up State by State. And hospital by hospital. We should know this before making a decision requiring hosptialization. Some in Massachusetts rank highest in nation for compliance with proven medical procedures. Arkansas hospitals rank the lowest in nation. But we have read where those that didn't do so well are now rolling up their sleeves to do better. Thats what public exposure can do.

Take aspirin therapy, for example. Some simple and proven methods to help those with emergency heart problems and yet, many hospitals were not in compliance. Surprising. But will probably be corrected now. One doctor administrator said he wasen't sure why they weren't more in compliance but this public reporting has motivated them to do better. Good.

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