Thursday, August 11

Canker Sores

I'm one of the 25% who get canker sores. They can be very painful and distracting. Why some of us get them and others do not is a mystery to me. Checking recent medical reports again did not help. Even the professionals don't know what causes them and many of them don't even treat them. One doctor honestly mentioned they used to think it was the herpes virus but now believe that is wrong. Another doctor believes they are stress related. Some students only get them at exam time. Plus many other theories.

At least they aren't contagious like cold sores are. Cold sores we get on the outside of mouth, etc. Canker sores are inside. And tend to run in families. In fact, children have a 90% chance of getting them if their parents also had them. Here are two resources if you would like more information on these painful mouth sores.

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